Group flight

Organize for yourself an unforgettable adventure for yourself!

  • Stunning views of fields, rivers, forests from a bird’s eye view;
  • Clouds to which you can even reach sometimes;
  • Adrenaline and euphoria from the realization that you are flying hundreds of meters above the ground.

Give yourself or your beloved an unusual gift -a group flight in a hot air balloon in the company of 6-16 other guests of our club, who are just like you fascinated by the sky.

You do not need to wait until one of your friends or family decides to join you in hot air balloon flight. Just book your group flight and go on an amazing journey!

What? Where? When? How?

  • we organize group flights in Dmitrov region only;
  • flights are conducted mainly from April to October, sometimes in January,as of the other months, flights depend on groups formation;
  • flights take place at first two-thre hours after sunrise and 2-3 hours before sunset;
  • we from groups from — 6 up to 16 people, например, for example, a photo of a basket for 8-12 people;
  • we have groups for weeknds rather often, we have sometimes groups formed on weekdays evening flights, we have rarely groups on weekdays morning flights;
  • registration for the flight takes place on-line on our website, then a day before the flight a manager is contacted to confirm the flight as of the weather conditions.

Group balloon flight is:

  • Bright, inexpressible emotions;
  • Communication with new interesting people;
  • Synergy of emotions of different people from a new unforgettable experience;
  • Original gift for yourself or a friend.

The  cost of the group balloon flight includes:

  • free delivery of a gift certificate for groups of 2 people within the MKAD or Dmitrovsky district;
  • insurance of all participants of the flight;
  • we meet you at our base in Dmitrov (location), free tee, coffee; 
  • transfer to the place of take-off and back on comfortable buses;
  • participation in the preparation of a balloon for flight (if you wish so), safety instructions  and rules of conduct on board;
  • flight duration is about 60 minutes;
  • participation in the assembly of a balloon (optional);
  • you will follow the first flight ceremony with Champagne and chocolate and you Will get your first flight certificate;
  • youcan buy someaeronautical souvenirs on our base.


    Whole program duration– 3-3.5 hours

Registration/booking of a group flight is on-line click this link

You may found answers to frequently asked questions here

If your have any questions,
please feel free to contact us: +7 (495) 505-12-61

For one person
10 990₽
For two
19 990₽